Cleaning the subconscious (dissolving associations in the subconscious)
This program can be applied with all psychosomatic diseases. With the help of this program it is possible to dissolve dysfunctional linkages in the subconscious. The BlueBrain® can be helpful with situations in daily life which carry elements of stress and fear such as: fear of flying, during allergic symptoms or a dental visit, for example. The program can be used also during a massage, physiotherapy, reflex zone therapy or other manual therapies. A focus is set by the manual treatment on an existing problem. The linkage in the subconscious can be dissolved with intention and the use of this program.
This program is for application with traumata. Before the application a focus should be set on the trauma. This can be done by speaking about general or specific events during the onset of the trauma. Thus the topic will be activated in the subconscious. After a trauma is activated, the program is started and the device is placed on the solar plexus. Close the eyes, relax and let the program run. Accept changes! The program should be used especially when situations in the daily life evoke trauma reactions.
With this program emotional spikes of excitement can balance. This can be helpful whenever excessive excitation is provoked in daily living.
This program can dissolve old structures in the brain and in the subconscious. This may result in new structures. That frees and opens the mind to new ideas out of the chaos. While the first program (Cleaning the subconscious) is better suited for use during any therapy or for intensive use in psychosomatic problems, this program is better suited for private use. It can resolve many structures in the subconscious. It has a calming affect and leaves a confident feeling.